Wednesday, May 18, 2011

when life gives you lemons

Apart from some lengths of rope, the shredded blinds were beyond salvage and met a fiery end.  The replacements are hung, and providing us with excellent wind, sun and privacy control. A simple solution to open walled living.  

The first few days I was making meals I would never dream of in Australia, where the stunning array of ingredients sends my raw vegan self into spins of joy. Mung bean curry with red rice. Bok choi marinated in orange juice. Fibrous leafy greens tossed with fresh air. 

We are on the tail end of lean times at the weekly market.  Fungus and waterlogging are the enemies of a vegetable garden, but the deluge of rain has produced a bumper crop of rice. Leafy greens are always available and we can't keep up with the home delivered papayas.  Lemons are juicy, tempeh and tofu are cheap following the soya bean harvest, and legumes are fresh and weevil free.  Carrots are yet to appear and tomatoes are frightfully expensive and scarce.  Avocados and mangoes have finished and the sesame crop was flattened by the cyclone.  

After a summer of indulging our gustatory senses we were looking forward to returning to a simpler way of eating. Less about stimulation, more about sustenance.  Raw nutrition; light, organic, fresh and nourishing. Green smoothies in the morning and evening,  papaya, bananas and a meal somewhere in the day.  I call it "high-tea", but Aquaman says high-tea is meant to have cake. Coffee is still sneaking its addictive nose in and Sunday's are an almond milk smoothie fest. You would be right in thinking our life revolves around the blender and our outdoor dining table with ocean views. We sure aren't here for the shopping.

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