A small market consisting of three stall holders gathers on Friday morning, and we go with vain hopes of finding lemons or avocado. All we get is a straggly bunch of spring onions, three bunches of kankung and one handful of tomatoes. We call in on Mike and Ellen, expats from the US that have just arrived from their off-season house in Byron Bay. Ellen always has a full pantry of goodies from Australia and Bali, and offers us a cup of freshly brewed Lavazza coffee. Oh my, if we have two vices from the cooked food world, they are ice-cream and coffee. We are safe from the former down here, but the coffee aroma is wafting in my direction. It is like a direct hit into my veins and the excitement is intoxicating. Projects are discussed, planned, and executed with the power of caffeine.
Dinner tonight is "Bok & Roll" : cashew cheese, alfafa sprouts and salad, individually rolled in a bok choi leaf - nature's perfect substitue for pitta bread.
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