three wise monkeys who surf
With a particularly large swell cracking on the horizon, the boys spend quality time on the "bullshit platform" discussing, debating and theorising over board selection, the capricious breeze, and tidal influence. Hear no evil - Matt Bunn, USA, special guest
See no evil - Tom McAuliffe, Aus
Speak no evil - John Richards, Aus, next door neighbour
The fourth and wisest monkey is taking the photo.
With conditions ripe - a 3.4m swell, offshore, mid-tide - boards are waxed, sunscreen smeared and cameras fired, and we rally together for a boat ride out the back with our salty-dog neighbour Gerry.
All manner of craft come and go to the safety of the shoulder. Locals make a bit of pocket money ferrying surfers out to the wave in questionable craft, and for guests at the hotel a center console dingy with 120 HP of grunt is on hand to whip you out at full throttle.

Tom taking the drop and settling in to his happy place.

Great photos Sal. No wonder Tom never wants to come home with waves like that!