Two years ago, Tom’s sister visited and brought “Super Scrabble”. The board is twice the size of a regular game, with twice as many letters and the option of a quadruple word score. It was game on. For five months we had chain Scrabble games and developed quite an addiction that took up many hours. Let it be known that I was the undisputed champion of the season.
Last year, Tom was working on a number of design projects. He found that he had to strain the same part of his brain as when creating words from a jumble, so we only managed a handful of games over seven months. As Scrabble was invented by an architect, he may have a point.
We have dusted off the letters for our first game, and my ego wishes to tell you that I WON. Next time I hope to whip out the word caziques, for a record 392 points. Mattel have announced that the new edition to be released in July will allow the use of proper nouns. We will not be implementing this change - no way; that will let every Tom, Dick and Harry in with a chance.
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thanks for taking the time