Monday, November 14, 2011

300th post!

Here's to my 300th post and our official status as custodians of the land on which our house stands.  The future fate of Remote and Raw has been secured with official signatures and money in the right palms...and I don't mean the coconut variety.   It is with great joy I share words and pictures from our simple island life and thank everyone for your support and comments over the last three years. Share the love. 


  1. Congratulations on your 300th post. They have all been wonderful. (And I speak from the knowledge of having read all 300.)

    Great news about your land too.

  2. Raising my green smoothie to another 300

  3. Congratulations on your 300th post! Dreaming of your simple island life on a grey Parisian day. Relaxed and in love a you both look gorgeous.Carlax

  4. Well done sally! can you point me to any place on your site that has tips for people starting out on the raw food diet, eg recipes, pacing yourself, etc etc? Thanks!


thanks for taking the time

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