Monday, November 28, 2011

playing with the boys

At the end of the season, when the guests have gone home and the days heat up, we spend more time at the hotel, hanging out by the pool with the manager Greg (far right) and  his painfully cute son RJ.  As a small token of celebration I stepped behind the bar to make a choc-banana smoothie for Johnny Bay's (far left) birthday. RJ thought is was heaven; hanging out with Dad and the big boys while scoffing his own glass of smoothie.  Every day he gets more cheeky and adorable, and doesn't he know it.  Before long he'll have a man sized Bintang singlet and be chugging back beers with his mates, while Dad and the Aquamen relive their days of glory.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for looking after the Bunge on his birthday. The milkshake was sensational, and why does that not surprise me when it is made by you? Enjoy your late season. X


thanks for taking the time

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